Bedingungslos auffällig! Prints: Streifen, Karo, Punkte, Blumen, Tiere, Obst … und es gilt: Je ausgefallener, desto besser. Hauptsache die eingewebten oder aufgedruckten Muster sind schön grafisch und groß. Verschiedene Prints dürfen auch gerne wild gemischt werden.
It hurts the eyes, yes, but it feels so good. Bright and floral prints, stripes, dots, animal, fruits … electrifying, mismatched with surreal aquatic prints, and clashing.
Prints are dated back to the 60s and were worn by influential people of that decade such as the Rolling Stones and Twiggy. 80s went crazy for the stuff and saw many imitators; The 90s craved for animal prints with Mel B who was a big fan of leopard prints. The bolder the print the better.
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