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FASHION - page 11

hier steht eine schöne Beschreibung für die gewählte Kategorie "fashion". Erst muss ich mir was Gutes hierzu überlegen


Berlin Art Week – POSITIONS Part I

Gastbeitrag von Juliane Rohr, Journalistin, Berlin.Eine Woche für die Kunst geht zu Ende. Noch nicht auf der Berliner Art Week gewesen? Dann nichts wie los. Das wechselhafte Wetter lädt zum Schauen auf die „Positions“ in das herrlich abgeschrabbelte Kaufhaus Jandorf am Weinberg in Mitte. Eine neue, vielversprechend Messe, nachdem die Preview letztes Jahr nicht überlebt… Weiterlesen


Hamburger Bahnhof – Exhibition: Wall Works

Within the spacious architecture of the Rieckhallen the exhibition WALL WORKS offers an overview of artists‘ approaches to the wall since the 1960s. The exhibition takes place in conjunction with a purchase enabled by the Verein der Freunde der Nationalgalerie of a convolute of architecture-based wall works that were originally developed for Edition Schellmann, for… Weiterlesen


Berlin Art Week 2014 starts today …

For the third time Berlin Art Week takes place from 16–21 September 2014. Six days full of art! Art lovers and connoisseurs from all over the world gather in Berlin to discover current developments in contemporary art and to share experiences and ideas. The art fairs abc – art berlin contemporary and Positions Berlin will… Weiterlesen


Berlin – Naschmarkt (sweets market) at Markthalle Neun

Süße Ernte Der Berliner Naschmarkt am 7. September, 12–18 Uhr, bietet süße Leckereien in allen Farben und Formen: Kuchen & Kekse, Torten & Törtchen, Cupcakes & Cakepops, Macarons & Marshmallows, Marmeladen & Honig und noch viel mehr. Alles Slow Food – gut, sauber, fair. Handgemacht in Berlin und nur mit natürlichen Zutaten. Berliner Naschmarkt in der… Weiterlesen


VOGUE Fashion’s Night Out 2014 in Berlin!

Donnerstag Abend, 19.30 los geht’s. Mit zwei Freundinnen starten wir zur den ersten Stationen am Ku’damm. Auf dem Kurfürstendamm und rund um die Friedrichstr. öffneten fast 80 Shops und Luxus-Departmentstores ihre Tore für die VOGUE Fashion’s Night Out. Erstmals war auch das Bikini Berlin mit dabei. Die Fashion Night Out ist jedes mal eine schöne… Weiterlesen


ShowStyleKids magazine # 2 now online!

       Did you already know that besides the reports on the various trade fairs (check them out here), trend reports and presentations on brands ShowStyleKids also offers a magazine? And the good news is that it is totally for FREE! You can easily scroll through the whole magazine online here (do you also want to… Weiterlesen


ShowStyleKids presents ShowStyleKids Magazine #1

ShowStyleKids Magazine will be distributed via our newsletter and be available online. ShowStyleKids Magazine features trends, fashion news, shops and business news. The magazine will be published every two weeks. You can read it online here or download your personal copy for free in their download section here>>. also have a look at their trend… Weiterlesen


It’s all about trends … ShowStyleKids trend reports

What is a trend? „A trend is something that comes. Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, it’s not quite here yet, and few people know that there will be something coming“, that’s how Anders Björk, ideashunter, describes it.Trends that have not been communicated do not exist! Many small labels reflect trends in our society, exspecially in kidswear.… Weiterlesen


ShowStyleKids Trend Reports are now online!

  ShowStyleKids is the online pay-per-download magazine featuring an all inclusive overview of all important European children’s trade fairs. ShowStyleKids will feature not only catwalk images of the latest children’s fashion shows, but also provide you with an in depth analysis on whats trending in the contemporary market. ShowStyleKids will be your companion to what… Weiterlesen

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