„GET READY to create, GET SET to discover your inner you, and GO be bold in Polkadot What leggings TODAY! „
Das neue Label „Polkadot What“ von Zani Suttle aus den USA wurde 2011 gegründet und präsentiert eine originelle Leggings Kollektion für Mädchen in den Grössen 2-10 Jahren. Das Konzept ist, Druckmotive zu verwenden, wie große Punkte, Sterne, Kreise, Herzen, Dreiecke, die bestimmten Persönlichkeiten zugeordnet sind. Je nachdem welche Motive ich als Leggings auswähle oder mische zeige ich der Welt wer ich bin! Mixe ich Dreiecke mit Kreisen bin ich „selbstbewusst und kreativ“, mixe ich Sterne und Punkte, dann teile ich der Welt mit: „Ich bin ein Superstar und Glückspilz … Entdecke wer Du bist und wähle Deine passende Legging!“
Mehr zu Polkadots What : www.polkadotwhat.com
The collection is inspired by basic iconic shapes known and relatable to kids. Each print shape is given a positive matching personality that kids can select based on what they believe best fits them. For example, girls can mix the triangle and hollow circle shapes to create, “The Confident and Creative You” leggings. Or, they can mix the star and filled circle shapes to create “The Superstar and Happy You” leggings. By choosing the prints they want, it empowers them to create, discover whom they are and proudly represent their leggings.
Zani Suttle, CEO of Polkadot What, explains the brand’s core beliefs: “Fashion is an outer form of expression of oneself and kids should be allowed to wear whatever they want as it is an important part of who they are, their growth and confidence.” She continues, “My goal is to make clothing for kids that is not only fun, stylish, comfortable and bold, but also meaningful, inspiring and positive to make an impact on their self-esteem at an early age.”
Polkadot What leggings will be available online all year round, with wholesale retail distribution as well as plans of expansion to the boys market and other clothing items commencing later this year. Shipping will be available to the USA, Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Australia and South Africa.
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Models (left to right): Quynh, Lola and Indigo wearing their favorite leggings from Season 1
all pictures©2012 Polkadot What collection