Waddler – Warm, comfy & stylish garments for the new season, when the temperatures fall down …

Die Idee der Waddler Kollektion entstand auf einer Reise nach Südamerika – in die Anden Argentiniens, Perus und Boliviens. Die erste Kollektion wurde für Boys und Girls von Newborn bis 5 Jahre designt. Wundervoll weiche Wolle in witzig, schönen Designs! Alle Stücke sind aus 100% Fair Trade Baby-Alpaka gefertigt. Frauen in Bolivien stellen die Kollektion nach alter Tradition Zuhause her, sodass sie Familie und Beruf in Einklang bringen können. Vielen Familien ermöglicht diese Arbeit ihren Lebensunterhalt. Gute Arbeit verdient gute Arbeitsbedingungen und ein gutes Gehalt.

Waddler Collection was born on an adventurous journey to South America, towards the Andean region that lies between Argentina, Peru and Bolivia. The first collection has been designed for boys and girls from newborns up to five years and blends luxurious soft wool with beautiful and fun designs. All clothes are made to fair trade standards in 100% baby Alpaca, one of natures finest natural fibres.
The collection of Waddler is handmade in Bolivia by women using skills passed down over countless generations. For many families this work provides their only source of income. At Waddler they believe that work of quality deserves a good wage and decent working conditions. To guarantee this to their customers, Waddler clothes are produced to official Fair Trade standards. The Waddler knitters work in their own homes to their own hours allowing them to balance the demands of work and family. Though many of them do prefer to get together for a good gossip!
All Waddler clothes are made from 100% natural fibre and must be hand-washed only in warm water using a gentle detergent or shampoo. They should be laid flat and allowed to dry naturally. As well as not damaging the shape of the garments this will ensure their durability. Consult with your dry cleaner for cleaning all fur items. www.waddler.co.uk
Also take a look at their lovely blog website. blog.waddler.co.uk