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FASHION - page 48

hier steht eine schöne Beschreibung für die gewählte Kategorie "fashion". Erst muss ich mir was Gutes hierzu überlegen


Playtime Paris January 2011

More than 250 exhibitors have come from all over the world to visit the 9th edition of Playtime from the 29th to the 31st January2011, at the Parc Floral in Paris. 350 different brand were gathering together, all linked to the worlds of infancy, childhood, juniors and maternity to show their newest designs for Winter 2011/2012. Weiterlesen


CONFETTI SYSTEM Tassels and more … so beautiful!

CONFETTISYSTEM is Nicholas Andersen and Julie Ho, a duo working as artists, stylists, and designers. A friendship born from their shared love of communal celebration and craft-making has brought them together to create a new system. CONFETTISYSTEM transforms simple materials such as tissue paper, cardboard, and silk into interactive objects that create a point of… Weiterlesen


Where Children Sleep

This is a book which should be in every school library and, if you can afford it, in your own child’s (grandchild’s) personal library. The photographs of the children’s rooms tell a story in themselves and the text contributes even more. In all, an incredible learning experience and one which opens many doors of communication.Where… Weiterlesen


The Wild Bunch from mibostudio

welcome to mibostudio! Mibostudio is the place to come for Print-and-make-at-home projects, with pdf.templates. The website was named as one of the twelve best websites for families and kids. You will find a handsome band of make-them-yourself paper animals, delivered straight from the wild to your computer! Each animal takes just about 5-15 mins to… Weiterlesen


Anorak – the happy mag for kids

the Anorak’s Happy Activity Book Numero Two is here! Hello Kids – we must warn you this book might distract you from important things like homework, work and friends. You see, there are over 30 pages of colouring in, spotting (friendly) monsters, escaping from mazes, counting pancakes, ‚dot-to-dotting‘ and building paper teepees. Suitable for kids… Weiterlesen


Snor – a cheerful dutch publisher

Last weekend I went to the ‘Kleine Fabriek‘, the Amsterdam Children Trade Fair. I met a lot of interesting people and discovered many new, cheerful products. One of nice people and cheerfull products I discovered were from theDutch publishers, SNOR. Their new book  „Vive la fête“, DIY-styling for all(holi)days, hit immediately my eyes! Claudette Halkes was so nice to present… Weiterlesen


Brechtje Olsthoorn from Room Seven and Oilily!

It was a great pleasure for me to meet Brechtje Olsthoorn from Room Seven and Oilily at the „kleine Fabriek“ in Amsterdam!  I always loved Oilily clothing and accessory for my children and also for myself. My oldest son is 18, but I still keep some Oilily outfits from his baby time. Same with my… Weiterlesen


Kleine Fabriek Amsterdam

     It was the 10th edition of kleine fabriek in Amsterdam. 270 stands with 428 brands. Entering the fair we heard rain forest background sound. There were blue birds, a sea of bird cages and two big, blue pigs, made out of flowers. All in all the fair was very professional. In the foyer all… Weiterlesen


Lesenswert – Das Welthemd!

Das Prinzip von H&M: Das gleiche T-Shirt für alleDer Modekonzern H&M tritt gegen Ausbeutung ein. Und doch verkauft er Kleidung für ein paar Euro. Wie kann das sein? Eine Suche nach dem Geheimnis des billigen T-Shirts. Wie kann ein Unternehmen gut sein und zugleich so billige T-Shirts verkaufen? Es gibt jemanden, der diese Frage leicht… Weiterlesen

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