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FASHION - page 49

hier steht eine schöne Beschreibung für die gewählte Kategorie "fashion". Erst muss ich mir was Gutes hierzu überlegen


falls ihr mal in Hongkong seid!

Daydream Nation Flagship Store 21 Wing Fung Street, Starstreet Precinct, Wanchai, Hong Kong+852 2817 6313 | store@daydream-nation.comOpen Tuesdays – Sundays, 11am-8pm fond on pictures via stylebubble Daydream Nation’s debut store in Hongkong. The duo behind the fashion meets art label Kay and Jing Wong have made a name for themselves doing visual presentations at LFW and… Weiterlesen


Da verbrennt kein Toast mehr …

Toaster mit „Kuck-Fenster“ : Magimix Vision Toaster.Hat zwar nicht viel mit fashion & kids zu tun, aber wie sagt Paul Smith „You’ll find inspiration in everything!“ Das hat allerdings auch seinen Preis: $249.45 Weiterlesen


Für den nächsten London Besuch …

Stuart Kolakovic  Illustrations for tea boxes for Marks & Spencer. I just love his warm and friendly illustration series created for Marks & Spencer’s new range of naturally caffeine free tea boxes. Weiterlesen


Puppengeschichten bei Chanel

Sie kommen wieder in Mode, waren nie aus der Mode – Puppen!Wie man jüngst am Beispiel der Schaufensterdekoration von Chanel sehen kann. ©mereli* gesehen bei Chanel, Kudamm BerlinAls ich die Schaufensterdekoration von Chanel sah fielen mir gleich die „Rag Dolls“ von Jess Brown ein.Na was denkt Ihr?Jess Brown began making dolls for her children 11… Weiterlesen


exhibit kids

Hello again, I love this idea – limited edition toddler tees designed by emerging artists worldwide! For their launch, exhibit kids selected designs represent six countries, five continents and six very individual styles. Their designs are carefully chosen by our panel of art aficionados and printed based on the response from our members. each exhibit kids design is… Weiterlesen


Atelier Charivari – Vintage Kid’s Furniture from France

Atelier Charivari is a blog and a shop in Rouen, France. The owner Soizic Menut brings back life to old furnitures. When you see these furniture you can tell he has a good eye on what is worth restoring. The thing is to see the quality in the old pieces. This doesn’t mean surface scratches… Weiterlesen


Tutu du Monde

Hello there, welcome to our new blog! Circus is a blog with news around children’s fun and fashion and a lot more …Here is our very first blog news for you with a lot more to come up –  enjoy!Fairy dust and secret games. Princess dresses and sparkle dreams. Every girls wants to be a Princess-Ballerina… Weiterlesen


Party Time! Part one

Today we want to present you some ideas for your kid’s party time!Let’s start with Meri Meri from UK, they have the coolest party sets! If you have a big celebration planned, you’ve come to the right place. Their growing range of partyware brings you everything you need, from paper plates and napkins to table centerpieces and… Weiterlesen

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